
    Shade aims to be a versatile all-purpose LSB maipulation program which incorporates all the methods and functionality described herein. We encourage you to submit feature requests.

Functions with empty checkboxes haven't been implemented yet.


    Built-in preset for known file types:
        wav - windows wave file format
        bmp - windows bitmap format (8 bit)
        bmp - windows bitmap format (24 bit)
    Process payload file name in host.
    Process multiple payload files in one host.
    Process payload backwards.
    Process from standard input.
    Output to standard output or to file.
    Process a start/end of payload data phrase in host.
    Use 1-8 bits per byte of host data.
    Skip bytes at head of host data.
    Skip bytes at tail of host data.
    Skip bytes of host after processing each one.
    Redundantly write each payloat bit. [only in cvs currently]
    Limit processing of payload to a specific number of bytes.
    Xor-crypt payload against binary-sequence.
    Apply sequentially bit operations on each payload byte:
        invert a selected bit
        reverse order of selected bits
        transpose selected bits